Wednesday, July 21, 2010

nifty fifty - 555 -

1. Beer: Carlsberg (sorry i don’t drink)
2. Food: nandos
3. Relationships: bitter and rainbows
4. Crush: mr. Depp
5. Power Rangers: pink
6. Life: cili sos
7. The President: obama – in change we believe - ka ape tagline
8. Yummy: desserts
9. Car: integra aritu sungguh lawa
10. Movie: requiem for a dream (yg paling igt)
11. Halloween: pumpkin comel
12. Sex: jenna jameson (ok first aku type kinky)
13. Religion: Islam
14. Hate: diet (like dying)
15. Fear: God
16. Marriage: in few months more (excited + scared)
17. Blondes: bimbo
18. Slippers: ipanema
19. Shoes: Macbeth
20. Asians: pan-asian
21. Pass time: apa ni? Duk depan laptop manjang tade pass time.
22. One night stand: mcm whore skit lah.
23. My cell Phone: 016
24. Smoke: cantik time org wt shoot asap or kat TV HD
25. Fantasy: final fantasy
26. College: mmu dah ade swimming pool. damn
27. High school Life: TIKL – yo sekolah yang kucintai-
28. Pajamas: boxer
29. Stars: starry night surprise
30. Center: center piece gk la pet. Duk asik tgk blog kawen je.
31. Alcohol: busuk
32. The word love: Terbayang cm fantasy land ada love terbang2 colorful, cute stuffs
33. Friends: i can’t live without
34. Money: i can’t live without
35. Heartache: tgk org berlagak
36. Time: is ticking fast.
37. Divorce: Bitter and Terrifying
38. Dogs: kt pet wonderland comel2 kat kajang utama liar2.
39. Undies: stripes
40. Parents: Sporting
41. Babies: cute babies –so fluffy i’m gonna die-
42. Ex: dah kawen
43. Song: song2 by blur
44. Color: grey , yellow , white .
45. Weddings: December dreams
46. Pizza: pasar tani or dominos or kt IOI tu papa john
47. Hangout: kopitiams
48. Rest: in peace
49. Goal: world cup
50. Inspiration: wedding blogs, family, friends, er. Ok lebih 5 saat. Sekian.

okay pet aku dah buat. hehe sila la baca satu2.


pet09 said...

Haha aku dah bace...skang bile aku teringat smoke..aku teringat smoke lamb chop boleh tak..kahkahkah

Olie said...

heartache-tgk org berlagak...damdidamdidamdumdummm

shana said...

@pet: wei, kita kene slowly talk about delicious foods lah. hehe nanti terjejas diet weekdays itu.

aik ade anon. hebat. hehe