Friday, April 8, 2011

meow paling gemuk i ever have

Me & Muizz named it Lardee , Ickle , Blobby , Sandy .

Lardee & Ickle from the well known My Milktoof sebab, Lardee gemukkkkk and Ickle the smart yet nerd.
Blobby sebab dia ada spot like Blobs on his fur, I think this one Muizz got it from Nippon Paint kot. hehe
And Sandy, I have no idea why Muizz gave its name Sandy tapi sbb cm cute and masuk je ngn lain.

These animals are just so darn cute, they're fluffy and fat and playful and cute and fat. haha there I repeated it. enjoy the pics.


macam band KISS pulak kan haha

p/s: Oh btw masa dorang ni kecik, sebab gemuk sangat dorg mengesot instead of crawling or jalan like usual, risau ok masa tu takut dorg can't walk ke apa. But yeah just because their fattt ass je... hehe


pet09 said...

aku suke gile gamba macam kiss tu..sereyes memang KISS ok..hahahahaha

shana said...

hahaha KISSttens