Friday, August 5, 2011

Selamat Ramadhan Everyone

Salam Ramadhan Al Mubarak 1432Hijriah.

Semoga kita beroleh keberkatan bulan ini dengan mengerjakan ibadah dengan seikhlasnya.

So, what's there to share? Okay ada lah sikit cerita, Yesterday i went for my antenatal check-up, and surprisingly the nurse tried to listen to the tiny little heartbeat and yes Subhanallah, I'm shocked and in awe when I get to listen to it. hehehe I mean this is truly one thing I've never felt before, another heart is beating inside me.

Maybe its because the nurse macam convince kan me at this particular week, rarely they can hear the beats yet but just maybe my stomach skin is quite thin she said. Thanks Allah, I'm so happy to be able to hear it, it's not that loud like our heartbeat, beating quite fast and yes I can't wait to go for scan pulak.

This is the scan last time when we went for check up.

And, as for another story. It's been 5th day of Ramadhan, so far berbuka kat rumah je dengan masakan rumah. Alhamdulillah but I do hope the harmonious feeling will be back for each among of us, our family. Amin.

p/s: And today is my younger brother birthday, yes the one yang I can totally hate and kesian kadang2.  Hope he will change, and take actions in his life. Be more hardworking and responsible. Amin.

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